Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Anel Confeccionado de Mythril Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Brinco Confeccionado de Mythril Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Espada Longa Bestial
Uncommon V 600-700
Machadinha Bestial
Uncommon V 600-700
Martelo de Guerra Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Machadão Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Arco Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Mosquete Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Escudo Circular Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Escudo Ogival Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Escudo Torre Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Bastão Flamejante Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Bastão Vital Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Rapieira Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Lança Bestial
Uncommon V 600-700
Manopla de Gelo Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Manopla Imaterial Bestial do Mago
Uncommon V 600-700
Bacamarte Bestial do Soldado Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Espada Grande Bestial do Fidalgo Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Mangual Bestial do Monge Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Espada Longa Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Machadinha Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Lança Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Manopla Imaterial Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Grande Elmo Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Placa Peitoral Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Manoplas Bestiais Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Coxotes Bestiais Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Botas Bestiais Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Capacete Bestial
Uncommon V 600-700
Colete Bestial
Uncommon V 600-700
Avambraços Bestiais
Uncommon V 600-700
Escarcela Bestial
Uncommon V 600-700
Sapatos Bestiais
Uncommon V 600-700
Chapéu Bestial
Uncommon V 600-700
Túnica Bestial
Uncommon V 600-700
Luvas Bestiais
Uncommon V 600-700
Calças Bestiais
Uncommon V 600-700
Sandálias Bestiais
Uncommon V 600-700
Capacete Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Colete Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Avambraços Bestiais Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Escarcela Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Sapatos Bestiais Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Chapéu Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Túnica Bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Luvas Bestiais Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Calças Bestiais Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Sandálias Bestiais Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Espada Longa de Mythril do Soldado
Uncommon V 600-700